We are excited to announce that starting September 2024, we will be offering 30 hours of care for our Nursery children. Our nursery currently operates from 8.55 to 11.55am every day, and now, with the introduction of 'Manor Minis', we can extend the children's hours within the nursery classroom to either 2.55 or 3.15pm.
'Manor Minis' will provide extended care and enrichment activities, ensuring a seamless and nurturing experience for your child. For more details, please refer to the 'Manor Minis' prospectus or contact the school to arrange a visit or to get further information.
Nursery Admission (September 2024)
We will admit up to 26 pupils born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021. All pupils will attend for 15 hours each morning, with the option to extend their attendance to the afternoon sessions, offering a total of 30 hours of care.
Closing date for applications: 15th January 2024
Offer day: 16th April 2024
Nursery Admission (September 2025)
We will admit up to 26 pupils born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022. All pupils will attend for 15 hours each morning, with the option to extend their attendance to the afternoon sessions, offering a total of 30 hours of care.
Closing date for applications: 20th January 2025
Offer day: 30th April 2025
30 Hours Eligibility
You can check your eligibility for 30 hours through the government's childcare calculator.
You need to apply for 30 hours and Tax-Free Childcare through the government's childcare service.
The Childcare Choices site has a great deal of information about childcare schemes and there is a digital guide to applying for 30 Hours and Tax-Free Childcare available here.
When applications for Nursery are oversubscribed given any of the above conditions, the following criteria will apply in order to decide who will enter the school:
- Highest priority will be given to looked-after children and all previously looked-after children.
- Priority will next be given to children with siblings at the school. Siblings include step siblings, foster siblings, adopted siblings and other children living permanently at the same address. Priority will not be given to children with siblings who are former pupils of the school.
- Priority will next be given to children on the basis of social or medical need. The medical or social grounds must relate to the child and the school will require supporting evidence. For example: Medical evidence from a medical professional or social evidence from an appropriate professional (e.g. a social worker) should state why the school is the only one that can meet the child’s needs and will be subject to review by the Governing Body.
- Distance from the school. This will be measured in a straight line from a designated point of the home address to a designated point of the school using the local authority’s GIS software, with priority given to those living closest.