Look around our school
Tour of the school grounds
Front of school
Front of school.jpg54Front of schoolNursery base
N.JPG75Nursery baseNursery outdoor learning 1
100_2093.JPG51Nursery outdoor learning 1Nursery outdoor learning 2
100_2095.JPG52Nursery outdoor learning 2Nursery outdoor learning 3
100_2094.JPG53Nursery outdoor learning 3Reception classbase 1
Reception classbase 1.JPG70Reception classbase 1Reception classbase 2
Reception classbase 2.JPG69Reception classbase 2Reception class base 3
Reception class base 3.JPG71Reception class base 3Outdoor learning 1
Outdoor learning 1.JPG72Outdoor learning 1Outdoor learning 2
Outdoor learning 2.JPG73Outdoor learning 2Outdoor learning 3
Outdoor learning 3.JPG74Outdoor learning 3Outdoor learning 4
Picture2.png62Outdoor learning 4Current class layout
New class layout.JPG63Current class layoutKS 2 class base
js.JPG55KS 2 class baseKS 1 class base
1a.JPG56KS 1 class baseKS 1 class base
r.JPG57KS 1 class baseKS 2 class base
pk.JPG58KS 2 class baseKS 1 playground
KS 1 playground.JPG64KS 1 playgroundKS 2 playground
KS 2 playground.JPG65KS 2 playgroundPlayground
Playground.JPG67PlaygroundAll weather surface play zone
100_2241.JPG60All weather surface play zoneSail area
100_2243.JPG61Sail areaAll weather track and field
All weather track and field.JPG66All weather track and fieldOur astro football area
100_1813.JPG50Our astro football areaQuiet Area
Quiet Area.jpg49Quiet AreaKS 2 classrooms
KS 2 classrooms.JPG68KS 2 classroomsStudio
New building.jpg59StudioPlay Area in the Snow
100_1739.JPG48Play Area in the Snow